for English language learners

Some air passengers get confused about what you can take on a plane as hand luggage.

A man recently flew into the USA with a
monkey under his hat. He needs to read the rules. So does the woman who travelled several thousand miles with a kitten in her handbag.

And there’s no excuse for smuggling
three stolen iguanas onboard an international flight in a false leg.

Flying Kitten

Cats are very unhappy travellers and they insist on flying first class. The stray kitten probably slept through the 2,800-mile journey from Iran to Newcastle, UK. She passed through security checks in Tehran and Amsterdam without a problem.

Customs officer at Newcastle Airport discovered the stowaway kitten while checking the woman’s luggage. Finally the cat was let out of the bag.

New Animal Airline

Perhaps all these animal air travel problems have a simple solution. A new airline is appealing directly to pet owners. Here is their advertisement:

Find out more and do some fun listening activities

Pet Passport
Pet Passengers
Pet Airways
Flying Monkey