for English language learners


Lightning (listening):

1. b) 1 in 700,000 2) c 3) a 4) false 5) d 6) true

Pet Passports

1. a) False b) True c) True d) False (not birds etc) e) True f) False - it can take several months

Call Me

1. What is the name of the man robbing the car repair shop? Ruben Carate
2. How old is he?
3. Why can’t the employees open the safe?
They don't have the combination.
4. What time is the boss coming in?
‘Some time before lunch.’
5. What does Mr Diaz suggest?
That Carate leaves his telephone number.
6. What does the robber say he will do if the employees do not call him?
He will shoot them.
7. Who do the employees call?
Ruben - and the Chicago police!
8. What does the policeman ask the robber to do?
Put his hands up
9. In what part of his body does the robber receive a gunshot wound
His legs.
10. What is the robber charged with?
attempted armed robbery and assaulting a police officer
Elevator: true or false
1. false 2. false 3. true 4. false 5. true 6. true 7. false 8. false 9. true 10. false
Elvis and the FBI: Listening

1. True (see Elvis Lives!) 2. False 3. True
4. False 5. True (though this is not confirmed)

Polar Bears

a) True b) True c) False d) False e) False f) True