for English language learners

$64 Million for Lost Trousers?

A Washington judge takes some suits to a dry cleaners for alterations. He returns two days later to collect them. But according to Judge Pearson something is wrong. And he is very upset

‘They tried to give me a pair of charcoal grey trousers,’ a tearful Pearson later tells a court. ‘My
pants had had red and blue stripes!’

At the time he asks for the full price of his suit. ‘It cost over $1,00 dollars!’

Custom Cleaners are a small family business. They don’t want to pay $1,000. They insist the grey trousers are the ‘lost’ ones. ‘These are the pants you gave us!’ they say.

Satisfaction Guaranteed?

Judge Pearson disagrees. He goes to court to claim
compensation. Now he wants more than $1,000. In fact he asks for US $65 million.

The Verdict *Activities