for English language learners

Perfect Pet: Activities

Here are some fun activities to help you learn new words. They are not tests!

Pets Crossword


1. A friend is thinking about getting either a dog or a cat or a rabbit. Write a letter explaining why you think this is not a good idea

2. You are going on holiday and a friend is looking after your pet. Write some instructions for looking after him/her.

Classroom activities

1. Role play a family visiting a pet shop. One family member wants a cat, one wants a dog, another a monkey. The pet shop owner wants to sell the family a snake.

Possible roles: Pet-shop owner, and various family members (parents, grand-parents, children etc)

Five things I didn't know about: pets

Work in groups to find five new facts about pets. At least one must not be from the Internet - try books, encyclopedias, dictionaries etc.

Think about:

  1. what is the most popular pet in your country?
  2. what is the most dangerous pet?
  3. which pet costs the most to buy/feed etc ?
A useful website is here