Fun Facts

English language learning materials for students & teachers

Mystery Island

CEF level: B2
Free teaching materials for English language learners

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Do thLook at the map. Do you recognise this country?
1. It is the world's largest island.
2. It has a very small population.
3. There are no roads between towns
4. It is European but part of another continent.
5. It is green but very cold!
Check your answer by watching the short video:

Did you guess the name of the mystery island?
It is of course Greenland! Now play the slide show again.

Are these statements are true or false?

1. Greenland was named after its green vegetation.
2. Most of the country is covered in ice.
3. Eric the Viking came from Iceland.
4. Greenland was colder then than today.
5. Greenland has changed completely since that time.
6. FIFA will not accept Greenland because of its weather.
7. Everyone in Greenland is listed in one telephone directory.
8. Ms Hammond is Greenland's prime minister.