The Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope

Classic adventure story set in the imaginary kingdom of Ruritania
1. The Rassendylls and the Elphbergs
- Young Rudolf Rassendyll is bored in London.
- He reads in The Times about Rudolf Elphberg, a cousin he has never met.
- Elphberg is about to be crowned King of Ruritania.
- Rudolf secretly takes the train to Strelsau to attend the coronation.
- He sees the mysterious Antoinette du Mauban and stops in Zenda.
- Zenda is home to a famous castle - and ‘Black Michael’.
- Locals confuse Rudolf Rassendyll for his cousin.
Adapted for audio by Kieran McGovern. With free worksheets & learning activities. English language level: low intermediate level (A2-B1)
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