Punting is not as easy as it looks. One young man I knew had a very sad accident the first time we went punting.
Three Men in a Boat (1889) is the story of boating holiday on the River Thames. Everything goes wrong.
In this episode we hear a story about a young man in a punt.
A punt is special boat for shallow rivers, like the Thames at Oxford. You steer a puny with a special pole.
Listening: Quick Check - True or False?
1. A punt is a small boat
2. You steer a punt by putting your arm in the water
3. A punt is easy to manage.
4. The narrator tells a story about his brother.
5. The young man walked off the boat
Reading Worksheet - Chapter 15 - with quick check questions & glossary * Answer Sheet
About Three Men in a Boat * Full (free) etext of original * BBC TV video (complete)
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